Helping us help others.

  • General Needs.

    No organization can continue unless its basic needs are met (i.e. utilities, maintenance, etc.). You can help this local church continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by giving a small love-gift towards this program.

  • Build it.

    In a time when more churches close their doors than open them, it is important that the ministry of church-planting continues. Consider being a part of this important need in our nation by donating today.

  • Grow it.

    Everyone enjoys growth and change. New Life Baptist Church is a church that wants to impact our community and the world around us. This can only happen through a vision for the future and help from you. Would you consider being a part of this local church or giving towards our special programs fund?

  • Sharing the Gospel.

    Our church exists to tell others about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We do this through several modes (i.e. newspaper, social media, website, brochures, visitation, signage, etc.) You can help others to know 100% for sure that they will spend eternity in Heaven by giving to this fund.